Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Planning Ahead To Avoid Moving Mistakes:

Planning ahead to avoid moving mistakes

An ounce of prevention can be worth a pound of cure. To keep your move focused and positive, you need to do some planning ahead. Avoiding mistakes in the moving process saves everyone a lot of headaches, and it can help your wallet out, too.

Get everything set up ahead of time

For some people, getting organized and making plans as soon as possible is like second nature. For those who tend to go with the flow, a lot of advance planning isn't as common. No matter your disposition, it's vital that you make sure every concern is addressed early on for a move. Reach out to your movers early on to make sure you can pick a date and time that work for you. You can also set up other helpful options at this time, like packing services and moving special items - like a car, boat or pool table.
Planning ahead also means getting yourself and your family ready for the big change. Developing a plan related to what you'll personally carry to your new home in the family car and the job of each person on moving day means everyone is informed and on the same page.
Person writing in small book.Writing down a plan for you move can help you make the process as effective as possible.

Packing for success

You can pack up most of your belongings - or have the professionals from Atlas take on this substantial task - and not have to worry about when you'll unbox them. If they remain in their containers for a few days, it's no big deal. However, there are certain things that you and your family will need to have an exceptional desire for in the hours and days after the move.
How can you effectively address this concern? Developing a packing plan and having a discussion about items that should go in an easily accessible box or be carried in the family car is one effective solution. Armed with a list of things that shouldn't be packed up with the rest of your possessions, you can make sure everyone's wants and needs are addressed.

Work through the process

Before you move, sit down and think through what will happen as your belongings are packed up and you travel to your new home. Thinking through all the processes involved and the related eventualities can help you identify something you haven't yet taken care of, or a more efficient way to handle part of the process. This is a general piece of advice, because each move can be significantly different than the next, but applying it to your specific circumstances and ultimately make things a lot easier.

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